Day 4 Lab Solutions

Monte Carlo integration


Example 1: integral of \(e^{x^4 - x^2}\) over [0,1]

Define an integrand

integrand_function <- function(x){
  return(exp(x^4 - x^2))

Plot the integrand on the interval [0,1]

x_values <- c(0:100) / 100

plot(x_values, integrand_function(x_values), type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", cex.lab = 1.3, col = "red")
text(0.6, 0.95, expression(y == e^{x^4 - x^2}), cex = 2)

See ?plotmath for more info on plotting math in R

Deterministic numerical integration from 0 to 1

Notice that we are passing function integrand_function as an argument Also the integral can be seen as \(E(e^{U^4 - U^2})\), where \(U \sim Uniform(0, 1)\)

det_int <- integrate(integrand_function, lower = 0, upper = 1)

The unction integrate() returns an object, not a value to find out what is in the object, type names(det_int)


[1] "value"        "abs.error"    "subdivisions" "message"      "call"        
[1] 0.8785237
[1] "OK"

Monte Carlo integration

By default runif() defines uniform distribution on [0,1]

mcarlo_iterations <- 1000

unif_sample <- runif(mcarlo_iterations)

artihmetic average

(mcarlo_int = mean(integrand_function(unif_sample)))
[1] 0.8794199

Monte Carlo error

(mcarlo_error = sd(integrand_function(unif_sample))/sqrt(mcarlo_iterations))
[1] 0.002431959

Monte Carlo 95% confidence interval

(c(mcarlo_int - 1.96*mcarlo_error, mcarlo_int + 1.96*mcarlo_error))
[1] 0.8746533 0.8841866

Compare to the deterministic numerical integration

0.8785237 with absolute error < 1e-14

Example 2: second moment of the Beta distribution \(X \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta)\)

alpha <- 2
beta <- 2
  1. theory tells us that \(E(X^2) = \frac{\alpha(\alpha + 1)}{(\alpha + \beta + 1)(\alpha + \beta)}\)
(beta_2nd_moment_theory <- alpha * (alpha + 1) / ((alpha + beta + 1) * (alpha + beta)))
[1] 0.3
  1. deterministic integration
beta_integrand <- function(x){
  return(x^2 * dbeta(x, shape1 = alpha, shape2 = beta))

(beta_2nd_moment_det <- integrate(beta_integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1))
0.3 with absolute error < 3.3e-15
  1. Monte Carlo integration
beta_mcarlo_iterations <- 1000

beta_sample <- rbeta(beta_mcarlo_iterations, shape1=alpha, shape2=beta)

(beta_2nd_moment_mc <- mean(beta_sample^2))
[1] 0.298036

Monte Carlo errors

(beta_mcarlo_error <- sd(beta_sample^2) / sqrt(beta_mcarlo_iterations))
[1] 0.007272444

Monte Carlo 95% confidence intervals

  beta_2nd_moment_mc - 1.96 * beta_mcarlo_error, 
  beta_2nd_moment_mc + 1.96 * beta_mcarlo_error
[1] 0.2837821 0.3122900

Compare the three answers


  beta_2nd_moment_mc - 1.96 * beta_mcarlo_error, 
  beta_2nd_moment_mc + 1.96 * beta_mcarlo_error
[1] 0.3
0.3 with absolute error < 3.3e-15
[1] 0.298036
[1] 0.2837821 0.3122900

Exercise 1


  1. deterministic

  2. Monte Carlo integration to find the 4th moment of a beta distribution with parameters alpha = 2, beta = 5

  3. Compute Monte Carlo error and confidence intervals of your estimate(s) from part b.

Exercise 1 solution

alpha <- 2
beta <- 5
  1. deterministic integration
beta_integrand <- function(x){
  return(x^4 * dbeta(x, shape1 = alpha, shape2 = beta))

(beta_4th_moment_det <- integrate(beta_integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1))
0.02380952 with absolute error < 2.6e-16
  1. Monte Carlo integration
beta_mcarlo_iterations <- 1000

beta_sample <- rbeta(beta_mcarlo_iterations, shape1 = alpha, shape2 = beta)

(beta_4th_moment_mc <- mean(beta_sample^4))
[1] 0.02468678
  1. Monte Carlo error and 95% confidence intervals
(beta_mcarlo_error <- sd(beta_sample^4) / sqrt(beta_mcarlo_iterations))

  beta_4th_moment_mc - 1.96*beta_mcarlo_error, 
  beta_4th_moment_mc + 1.96*beta_mcarlo_error
[1] 0.001560208
[1] 0.02162877 0.02774478

Compare the two answers


  beta_4th_moment_mc - 1.96*beta_mcarlo_error, 
  beta_4th_moment_mc + 1.96*beta_mcarlo_error
0.02380952 with absolute error < 2.6e-16
[1] 0.02468678
[1] 0.02162877 0.02774478

Exercise 2


  1. deterministic integration

  2. Monte Carlo integration to approximate integral of \(\exp(-x^5)\) on \([0, \infty]\). Hint: Uniform sampling won’t work, because uniform distribution is not defined on \([0, \infty]\), use exponential distribution samples instead – think about how to write the desired integral in terms of expectation

  3. compute Monte Carlo error and confidence intervals of your estimate(s) from part b

  4. compare Monte Carlo error of the procedure using two different rates of the exponential distribution

Exercise 2 Solutions

Define function

integrand_function2 <- function(x){

Deterministic integration

(det_int2 <- integrate(integrand_function2, lower = 0, upper = Inf))
0.9181687 with absolute error < 1.3e-07

Monte Carlo

mcarlo_iterations2 <- 1000000
exp_rate <- 0.6
exp_sample <- rexp(mcarlo_iterations2, rate = exp_rate)

#artihmetic average
(mcarlo_int2 <- mean(integrand_function2(exp_sample) / dexp(exp_sample, rate = exp_rate)))
[1] 0.916192

Monte Carlo error

(mcarlo_error2 = sd(integrand_function2(exp_sample) / dexp(exp_sample, rate = exp_rate)) / sqrt(mcarlo_iterations2))
[1] 0.0009449927

Monte Carlo 95% confidence interval

c(mcarlo_int2 - 1.96 * mcarlo_error2, mcarlo_int2 + 1.96 * mcarlo_error2)
[1] 0.9143398 0.9180442

Compare to the deterministic numerical integration

0.9181687 with absolute error < 1.3e-07

Importance sampling

Define a threshold value and number of Monte Carlo samples

my_const <- 4.5
sim_size <- 1000000

true probability of interest

(true_prob <- pnorm(my_const, lower.tail = FALSE))
[1] 3.397673e-06

naive Monte Carlo estimate

naive_samples <- ifelse(rnorm(sim_size) > my_const, yes = 1, no = 0)
(naive_est <- mean(naive_samples))
[1] 0

importance sampling estimate

shift_exp <- rexp(sim_size, rate = 1) + my_const
is_samples <- dnorm(shift_exp) / exp(-(shift_exp - my_const))
(is_est <- mean(is_samples))
[1] 3.402526e-06
[1] 3.397673e-06
[1] 0
[1] 3.402526e-06

Computing Monte Carlo variances

(naive_var_mc <- var(naive_samples) / sim_size)
(is_var_mc <- var(is_samples) / sim_size)
[1] 0
[1] 1.949041e-17

Computing Monte Carlo confidence intervals

# Naive (not very useful, usually variance estimate is degenerate):
c(naive_est - 1.96 * sqrt(naive_var_mc), naive_est + 1.96 * sqrt(naive_var_mc))

# Importance Sampling:
c(is_est - 1.96 * sqrt(is_var_mc), is_est + 1.96 * sqrt(is_var_mc))
[1] 0 0
[1] 3.393873e-06 3.411179e-06